Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Apple updates Safari

Apple has released an update to Safari 4.1 (Mac) and Safari 5.0 (Windows, Mac). As usual, they're not saying exactly what the security fixes are. If you have an Apple Mac running OS X, update your Safari. Windows users who have Safari installed should either uninstall it (my recommendation) or update it.

Apple plugs 48 Safari, WebKit security holes | ZDNet
Apple has shipped new versions of its Safari browser with patches for at least 48 security vulnerabilities.

The Safari 4.1 and 5.0 updates, considered “highly critical,” is available for both Windows and Mac OS X. Exploitation of some of these vulnerabilities could lead to drive-by download (remote code execution) attacks.
The majority of the documented vulnerabilities affected WebKit, the open-source Web browser engine that powers Safari.

Here’s the skinny on some of the more critical issues:

Official Apple security bulletin here: Safari 5.0 and Safari 4.1

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